The heavy sketches of Porter’s work are well-suited to a nightmare realm.
All in Team Books
The heavy sketches of Porter’s work are well-suited to a nightmare realm.
Land and Leisten make it all look pretty solid.
Kelly and Lanzing clearly have a very solid perspective on how to handle things.
Cafaro’s art that swiftly slices across the page.
A very noble way to tackle the final issue of the series.
A well-balanced approach with a great deal of respect for nearly every character in the ensemble.
Rucka and Trautmann have perfected the precise blend of humor, action, and horror.
Landy gets pretty heavy with the narration.
Adams tackles a real challenge with an issue that is largely populated by kids.
Moore’s style approaches Hell in a very straightforward way.
Cloonan and Conrad have given Steph, Cass, and Babs a very solid sense of character development.
Brisson keeps the action moving quickly.
So much of what crawls around the edges of that action feels like a distraction.
The drama driving the story IS interesting.
Culver is covering some very familiar ground.
The art team for this issue is huge.
Janin and Ordway play to a rather deft balance between action and drama.
A very appealing run with the Flash family.
Each of the Flashes has a distinct connection to the speed force.
Savage Avengers ends the only way it can: hard, fast, and with complete love for comics and the characters.