Re balances the cramped conditions of the sub against the big intensity of the drama.
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Re balances the cramped conditions of the sub against the big intensity of the drama.
Frampton doesn’t bog-down the issue in too much dialogue or narration.
The genius of Hyde Street is that it tends to focus on the victims.
Hama sets-up a really sharp single-unit infiltration.
Brisson’s story has an admirable simplicity.
Vecchio’s art engages in some interesting dramatic renderings.
There’s a delicate balance.
Ayala is using some very clever narrative techniques.
Williamson is able to show a true darkness in the villains.
McFarlane is telling a pretty simple supernatural drama.
Slow and soulful thoughts … mix in with over the top combat brutality.
Loveridge has a lot going on.
The finer points of what is going on here are kind of lost.
Cafaro delivers a very moody sort of action to the page.
Fiffe is exploring the darker end of human emotion.
Craig manages just the right mount of dialogue.
The art team doesn't brilliant job.
A refreshingly retro issue.
McFarlane paces the issue quite well.
Andreyko could have gone for a much more sophisticated in a dramatic sense.