Hulk must fight off a group of government-paid psychopaths who he's barely beaten at full power before. Can ol' Jade Jaws survive? The answers may shock you!
Hulk must fight off a group of government-paid psychopaths who he's barely beaten at full power before. Can ol' Jade Jaws survive? The answers may shock you!
leaves you wanting more in the best of possible ways
This issue was pure, wacky fun, but still managed to up the threat of Donald Blake
Cates seems to be in his element when dealing with magic and all the horrible things that come with it
A definitive moment for the Hulk and Thing moving forward.
A filler issue in a crossover event nobody wanted or asked for
Not since the days of Peter David writing the Hulk has the leader been presented as such a serious threat.
Cates takes the time this issue to provide a much needed downbeat after an intense first six issues.
The Flash Family must pull itself together like never before and bring an end to Thawne’s maniacal run once and for all.
In the year 2367, the human race has taken to scouring the “Big Dark,” aka space, for resources. The most valuable resource in space? Dead gods.
The excitement and weight of Thor's actions in this chapter are almost too much to bear.
If this issue isn’t proof that Bruce Banner is suffering under some sort of lifelong, bad luck “Thinner” curse, what else would it take to convince you?
This single issue gives you everything you could possibly want.
It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is missing from this arc, but it certainly is lacking some excitement.
Hulk sees a rare period of public acceptance, due to his heroics, but it’s not all sunshine and roses.
Reverse-Flash is on a mission to finally take Barry down, and he's gathering an army of familiar faces from Flash's rogues' gallery to do it.
Can Thor out-cosmic the insanely cosmic threat to the cosmic hungry man Galactus?
A nice break from the usual focus on the titular hero and still manages to move the story forward in a meaningful way.
This issue is Ewing at his best, plain and simple.
Is this real, or just a trap set by Paradox?