Star-crossed lovers reunite.
All in Crime
Star-crossed lovers reunite.
Marcus and Saya plan their attack on her brother.
A prison of nine-panel pages inhabited by so much ink and darkness.
Newburn gives Emily a tryout and in the back-up, Amir visits his brother in the hospital.
Marcus and Saya get reacquainted.
A new crime classic is born.
Saya's life has taken a turn for the worst.
Catwoman? Yeah: she’s not really in this one.
The old gang gets back together.
Ram V has constructed a thoroughly enjoyable script.
A charming opening chapter that pulls together enough intrigue to draw the reader to the page.
A party becomes a slaughter.
Dying is Easy #2 is a successful gamble for IDW Comics.
Dying is Easy #1 is a solid first issue, introducing the major players and the world of the story well.
The “best laid plans” come apart.