Remarkably visually intriguing as an execution of action.
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Remarkably visually intriguing as an execution of action.
Thompson does a very sharp job of keeping the action rolling.
Simple and clean presentation of a couple of well-realized horror concepts.
Araújo manages to find the right angles for all of the action.
Segura mixes traditional detective mystery with something more.
Under the power of King’s writing, it’s a perfect fit.
Vecchio manages to find a way to make it work.
A clever patchwork of various elements.
Moss is also working with imagery that had been around for a long time.
O’Malley dives right into the early stages of a very cute romantic relationship.
There’s real darkness in what Rosenberg is bringing to the page.
Walsh’s rendering of classic scenes from the movie hits the page much better than it hit the screen in the old movie.
Remember and Warren have a very solid piece of dram.
Grønbekk shuffles around a lot of really fun and enjoyable sword and sorcery fantasy elements.
Bengal’s sharp sense of atmosphere gives the entire issue quite a bit of gravity.
Johns and company deliver a really impressive second issue.
Remender and Posehn ride a very careful line between over-the-top drama and earthbound family stuff.
It’s dark and sinister stuff.
That’s remarkably sharp prose.
Ganucheau has a lot of fun with the beloved characters.