1980s record company A&R guy Martin Mills is in over his head.
All in Comedy
1980s record company A&R guy Martin Mills is in over his head.
Cain’s humor is brilliant around the corners of a very emotionally engaging mystery.
Stylistically much more eclectic than previous Marvel 80th anniversary revivals."
It’s up to the Exorsisters to confront the menace of The First Shadow.
A man from Martin’s violent past pops-up as an imposing giant of a bodyguard.
A rabbit consults with a deranged rodent in an attempt to save a small home from the clutches of an unscrupulous investor.
Humphries continues to put together a really clever multi-layered script.
A clever paranormal sitcom with wit and genuinely funny dialogue.
Martin Mills is a music industry A&R guy. Like any other good A&R guy, he knows how to make deals with rising talent. Unlike any other good A&R guy, he’s kind of a sociopath.
It’s a sitcomic book and wouldn’t feel quite right in any other format.
The life and crimes of Minor Threat wrap-up their origin in an otherwise dull issue.
With this latest issue, the cartwheeling between depth and silliness falters.
Deadpool goes on the hunt for the world’s most valuable resource: Vibranium!
And so it begins
Captain Boomerang Agent of OZ!
Looking into Harley’s face is like looking into the divided American consciousness.
She’s considering crime again because it‘s easier for her, at a time when the walls of reality are coming apart around her.
Harley’s caught between a rock and a hard place: give up her amazing superpowers and free Tina and the other oppressed Lowlies, or keep bashing stuff with a super-hammer and having fun. What’s a girl to do?
On paper, the idea of Harley Quinn set in a dystopian future reminiscent of ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ seems like an interesting enough concept
Garth Ennis and Mauricet conclude their genre-bending take on the Hanna-Berbera duo with this ambitious final issue.