Hama renders a tight, little one-shot military story.
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Hama renders a tight, little one-shot military story.
Waid has a lot of moving parts at play.
Williamson paces the issue pretty well.
Wong moves through some pretty. familiar territory.
Young paces the issue quite well.
Lieberman comes dangerously close to completely fragmenting the plot.
The darkness in the series continues to deepen.
Cho really focusses the narrative tightly on the life, mental and emotional state of Dani.
Phillips is a hell of a writer.
It’s actually kind of weird that things move as slowly as they do.
McKay’s clever connection with Black Cat livens-up another fun issue.
Niosi’s art has a thoughtful precision to it.
Snjelbherg fits the artwork over a very narrow sort of a genre.
Grønbekk is traveling through some really interesting heroic territory.
Brisson is doing some rather clever things.
Shalvey evenly paces the issue.
it’s kind of difficult to get a feel for increasing tensions.
Re balances the cramped conditions of the sub against the big intensity of the drama.
Hama sets-up a really sharp single-unit infiltration.
Morozova has a very firm approach to the action.