A surprisingly emotional first issue.
All in War
A surprisingly emotional first issue.
A grizzly and largely satisfying fusion of horror and war.
The O.Z. #2 is an incredible story that makes the reader question their ideas about war and what it means to be a hero. Magnificent writing combined with stellar art makes it a comic you don't want to miss.
The coming-of-age/frontline combat story continues to find a potent pulse in the series’ third issue.
Allor gives Dr. Mindbender just enough depth.
There may not be a whole lot of depth in the story.
Real love for the source material bleeds through the script.
Thor’s old friend Beta Ray Bill shows up to stop them
The menace might not be delivered completely, but Allor and Walter smartly render the complexity of Cobra.
Allor’s third chapter lacks some of the grit and aggression of the first two.
New Turtle on the block, and it ain’t easy being Green