Another issue that doesn’t quite live up to its potential
All in Magic
Another issue that doesn’t quite live up to its potential
Cates takes the time this issue to provide a much needed downbeat after an intense first six issues.
The excitement and weight of Thor's actions in this chapter are almost too much to bear.
Can Thor out-cosmic the insanely cosmic threat to the cosmic hungry man Galactus?
After a long hiatus, the creative team of Brandon Thomas and Khary Randolph return with the seventh installment of their highly acclaimed action fantasy series Excellence.
Sif tells Thor to Stand Down
It IS an entertaining sprint to the climax of the fifth issue.
Thor’s old friend Beta Ray Bill shows up to stop them
A solidly entertaining fusion of medical drama and magical fantasy.
The emotion is strong in a story with a plot just outside the realm of easy comprehension.
There IS a surprising amount of dramatic complexity rendered into the faces of the lead characters.
One of the more memorable iterations of Thor in the long, hallowed history of Marvel Comics.
A reasonably enjoyable story of Strange in the far future, as seen in shades of cyberpunk in a weird, little one-shot.
Dr. Strange’s life continues to show clever novelty in another fun issue.
Poetic dialogue and beautiful visuals keep the series suitably dreamlike as it glides through its fourth outing.
With great responsibility comes great exhaustion.
The close of a legendary character piece that will never be forgotten.
A young hero leads a group of mid-list superheroes on a mission to save Death.
The departure from a narrow focus on Felicia compromises the charm of the series.
Ewing and Aaron manage to find a really novel new way to defeat an old villain.