The Justice League gets even more help against Brutus.
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The Justice League gets even more help against Brutus.
V is sculpting an interesting life for Selina.
A clever approach to a very short story.
Superman and Jon investigate a distress call from old allies.
The investigator finds the source of Myerson and Laura’s letters.
The title seems to be gaining some creative momentum
The title character steps out of the center of the frame for a supporting role in her own.
Superman and Superboy try and repair the rift or die trying.
It’s a very tight fit for the creative team.
Grace keeps the action moving swiftly.
A new era starts for Superman, but it could be his last.
The investigator gets a new lead.
V has a very stylish way through a very well-worn kind of mystery.
Delicate interpersonal drama is a nice contrast from the usual type of action.
Editors Brittany Holzherr and Jamie S. Rich have done a solidly respectable job of taking the title in a new direction
The contrast between aging mortal and ageless immortal hero is a clever one.
Bechko knows how much story can fit on the page.
The investigator meets with Governor Turley.
Pummeled battle scars feel suitably graceful in the second half of a well-executed story.
Doran brings a fun, witty energy to the page.