The Superman Family deals with the Red Cloud.
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The Superman Family deals with the Red Cloud.
The detective finds out more about William Myerson.
Tamaki frames the climactic battle in a throne room on the other side of the planet.
The Superman family battles the Parasite with Red Cloud waiting in the wings.
Superman and Synmar battle it out in the Phantom Zone.
Ram V has constructed a thoroughly enjoyable script.
Writer and artist manage a very emotionally engaging one-shot.
Tamaki and company orchestrate some surprisingly thoughtful allegory in a very satisfying issue.
A provocative 21st-century update on the Joker concept.
An enjoyable 16-pager that weighs aggressive action against more nuanced interpersonal matters between two superheroes.
The simple application of history to the legend of Themyscira makes for a fun, little excursion into Diana’s childhood.
A surprisingly well-balanced final chapter written by Cecil Castellucci.
Tamaki’s pacing and plot structure are particularly good this time around.
Ram V places various elements into the frame with an architect’s eye for detail.
A fun action encounter on the beach.
Superman comes face to face with Synmar,
Obropta and Simonson's "Museum Madness" is a sharp, little prequel to Wonder Woman 1984.
Tamaki strikes a powerful balance between youth and malice with a compelling, new villain.
The Invisible Mafia plays their next card.
Pacheco finesses a lot of things in this issue that really have no business working as well as they do.