Duggan lays out the opening action with wit and poise.
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Duggan lays out the opening action with wit and poise.
Scharf is really, really good with big crowd shots.
Zdarski makes Elektra seem like a much more interesting Daredevil.
Brisson establishes an interesting new era for the team.
Johnson keeps the action moving as the story begins to reach its climax.
This is a pity.
Rowell is brilliant with the confrontation.
Duggan adds a bit of a twist on the traditional.
Impressively tolerable.
Perhaps it's not silly enough.
There's a deep sense of emotional warmth.
Pepose is somewhat poetic with the narration.
It’s a fun approach to delivering the story.
Gurihiru’s adorable rendering of Jeff gets a cool twist.
The art team is a good portion of the reason why Hill’s script works.
Allen and Yeung move the action and suspense across the page.
Liefeld’s artwork certainly is...Liefeldy.
Wong places a bit of mystery into the action.
Beyond weird cliches, Segura actually does a really good job.
The art fusion on the issue is kind of weird and trippy.