Castellucci is playing with subtly deeper darkness.
All in DC Comics
Castellucci is playing with subtly deeper darkness.
The Flash Family must pull itself together like never before and bring an end to Thawne’s maniacal run once and for all.
Selina returns to Gotham in a promising new direction for her series.
Something new, but familiar, rears its head.
Tamaki and company dive more in-depth into themes of truth and fabrication in a fast-moving action story.
With the 100-Page Giants on their way out, DC has a new plan to bring comics back to the newsstands.
Nearly everything that Tamaki is putting on the page is powerful and resonant
Cecil Castellucci’s distinct take on Batgirl’s themes slides somewhat gracefully across the page.
The Superman Family ramps it up against the Invisible Mafia.
A clear and articulate adventure
So it is that a certain clown girl ends the run of her current series.
An enjoyable issue that peers a bit more into the psyche of Selina Kyle.
This single issue gives you everything you could possibly want.
Superman and Doctor Fate clash with Xanadoth.
Erickson is trying to navigate Diana through a bit too much for a single, 16-page issue.
While AT&T may have just cleared house, these people put out some wonderful books.
A very well-executed issue.
Another tightly-crafted one-shot story.
It’s hard to pinpoint what exactly is missing from this arc, but it certainly is lacking some excitement.
Veteran writer Marv Wolfman pits Dr. Psycho against Wonder Woman.