Feels a bit sparse on action and dramatic weight.
All in DC Comics
Feels a bit sparse on action and dramatic weight.
Every plot point feels almost perfectly on target at just the right time.
The issue’s central conflict makes for a satisfying adventure.
This is a VERY sharply-paced issue.
What Humphries is attempting here IS interesting.
The characterization of Wonder Woman is deftly nuanced.
It’s a very well-balanced script from beginning to end.
Is this real, or just a trap set by Paradox?
Steve Orlando rushes through the tale of political turmoil on a distant planet.
The drama that asserts itself through page and panel makes an impact.
Cecil Castellucci flings Batgirl into an engrossing adventure.
It’s Superman and the heroes’ last stand.
It’s a smartly-constructed issue that Orlando and Raynor have put together.
Looking for some of DC’s best archive content, and some new stories, all for five bucks? Look no further!
Superman saves Mongul’s life.
Catwoman takes to horror so well it might as well be her natural habitat.
Young Justice joins the fray!
A respectable stylishness that fails to add any charm to the story.
Castellucci does a pretty good job of making it feel fresh in an issue that has Batgirl confronting her own insecurities while facing a dragon.
It’s a smooth and easy prelude the moves along briskly.