An appealingly simple issue-length struggle.
All in DC Comics
An appealingly simple issue-length struggle.
A fairly even mix of earthbound life and the magic of something much bigger.
Superman battles Mongul as things get complicated on Earth.
A jarring departure from the high weirdness that cartwheeled through the title in the second half of 2019.
Can Superman and his friends defeat the combined forces of the Legion Of Doom and Leviathan?
Getting past the crossover event and back to business as usual
A massive issue which features a major turning point for the hero and a host of supporting stories.
The darker earthbound elements of Batgirl’s life take a backseat to fantasy-driven psychodrama in a satisfying issue.
Superman deals with the aftermath of revealing his identity.
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen remains DC’s funniest title with issue #7.
He-Man and the Masters of the Multiverse #3 fails to reach the pulpy heights of the first two issues.
Legion of Super-Heroes #3 has gorgeous art, but it’s so jam-packed with plot that it becomes hard to follow.
The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #2 is a hidden gem.
DC editorial should have known better than to publish Gotham City Monsters #5.
The Flash and Glider must convince the other Rogues to turn against Cold.
Clean and kinetic without too many loose ends.
Houser and company find something appealing in another hero-vs-hero story.
Writer Cecil Castellucci delivers a new twist on an old premise.
The joke plays out pretty much as expected.
The Legion Of Doom have Superman on the ropes.