Nocterra #4 — You Don't Read Comics
Nocterra #4

Val, Em, and Bailey get some welcome surprises in Nocterra #4, by writer Scott Snyder, artist Tony S. Daniel, colorist Tomeu Morey, and letterer Andworld Design. Nocterra has been, excuse the pun, dark, but this issue knocks things on their ear in fascinating ways.

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Much like every issue so far, it starts with a flashback to the beginning of the Big PM as Em and Val argue about what to do next. From there, it returns to the present, where Val and Bailey make it to Tipton and actually find what they’re looking for, a sun lamp to help Em. They travel on, with interludes showing Bellwether trying to get info on Blacktop Bill and Bill taking orders from someone. The rig, damaged by Bill’s attack, breaks down before getting to the sanctuary, forcing them to walk. Attacked by shades with things looking desperate, a miracle happens.

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Snyder does something very fascinating with this issue. The opening flashback sets up the issue, just like in the other issues, and because of what readers have been shown, both from the flashbacks and in the present, it gives the impression that things are going to turn out bad. Val is just about always right, and her fatalistic attitude infuses the book, So, when the ending, which connects the narrative from the flashback to the present day, turns that on its ear, it’s a refreshing change of pace for a book that has worn its darkness on its sleeve. It’s probably not something that will last, but it works for the story.

Snyder throws in a lot of impressive stuff into the issue as well. To begin with, he has Em bring up Shade language again, which for a comic that is so visually based is fascinating and will certainly play into things later since it was a big part of the last issue. Another little thing is that Blacktop Bill is working for someone, and they want Augustus’s book. This is yet another thing that will play into the book later and is a significant development. On top of that, Synder does an amazing job in this issue with the highs and lows of the plot, building tension and then blowing it off, alternating the suspense of the chapter expertly. It makes for exciting reading and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat.

Daniel is putting out some of the best work of his career in Nocterra, and this issue is yet another example of that. Snyder’s tension building wouldn’t work nearly as well without Daniel’s great art. The book is gorgeous, and while the Shade design is simple but, it’s still effective. Again, a shoutout goes to Morey- his colors are the icing on the cake for this book and make a huge difference, especially in a book about light and darkness.

Nocterra #4 is another great installment in this series. Snyder, Daniel, and Morey are doing an amazing job of building a wonderful world, one full of hope and terror. This issue builds the plot even more, and it will be great to see where things go next.

Grade: A-

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