Event Leviathan #3 // Review — You Don't Read Comics
Event Leviathan #3 // Review

Event Leviathan #3 // Review

Brian Michael Bendis knows how to write conversations. The first two issues of Event Leviathan, DC’s currently-running event comic, were extended conversations. Intercut with flashbacks to action sequences, and the third issue continues that pattern.

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The majority of the issue takes place in Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. Where Lois Lane, Batman, Robin, Manhunter, Plastic Man, The Question, and Green Arrow have retired after being thoroughly beaten by The Red Hood (said beating revealed in the flashbacks above). Batman and his team of detectives are continuing to try to unravel the mystery of who Leviathan might be and why they have destroyed the espionage architecture of the entire DCU. 

Per usual, Bendis juggles a large cast ably, keeping their voices mostly distinct and giving each significant character moments to shine. Occasionally, the dialogue veers into overly-clever quippy Bendis-isms (at one point the terrifying Leviathan calls someone a “bluffy bluffer”), but not enough to distract.

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The fully-painted art of Alex Maleev (with letters by Josh Reed) is the real star of the issue. Maleev makes what could be a deluge of static panels of people talking seem lush and kinetic. When Maleev cuts loose with an action sequence, the results are thrilling. Maleev makes every one of DC’s icons feel robust and breathtaking, particularly when another player enters the game on the final page of the issue.

Event Leviathan is Brian Michael Bendis’ first big crossover event since moving to DC comics, and it doesn’t disappoint. The six-issue thriller hits its midpoint with this issue and still has secrets to reveal. Highly recommended.

Grade: A

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