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Batman and the Outsiders #2 // Review

Bryan Edward Hill and Dexter Soy bring yet another Bat title to the stands but manage to deliver their own unique flavor to garner readership and fan attention. As this niche group finds their place within Batman’s shadow, the heroes continue to grow together and as further as a team, taking on their first mission in this new iteration. As this most welcomed classic returns to store shelves, many readers will have their chance to encounter this beloved title for the very first time.

Following the threads of the previous issue, the new Metahuman and ex-Suicide Squad member Kaliber join forces as they wait for their upcoming meeting with Batman and his forces. With a new villain on the rise, and the young woman contemplating her own life, the two must face against Ishmael head-on before The Outsiders make their appearance and save the two from sure death. Before escaping, the group learns of their new adversaries regenerative abilities as he steals this new metahuman at the order of his master, Ra’s Al Ghul.

Hands down the choreography of the action scenes and his dynamic use of the characters stand as the hallmarks of Dexter Soy’s work on the title. Unfortunately, it is those more quiet moments where Soy is lacking, with a bit more dead space than needed with the use of things like a desert landscape to assuredly meet up with deadlines on the title. All together Soy delivers an exciting take on the Outsiders while Veronica Gandini adds the grim color works to truly set the tone of this issue.

After a showdown of his own with the creator of Black Lightning, Bryan Edward Hill continues to prove to readers and creators that this series is much more than Batman and friends. With the use of niche characters and an interesting storyline dealing with new found power, Hill is most certainly not phoning in this series. From his time on Detective Comics until now have all been for the culmination and return of this team.

Although not nearly as strong as the previous issue, this chapter grants reader much more insight in what is still her to come for this returned title and adds a bit of excitement on how this group of heroes will deal with this impending doom. Hill and Soy continue to work excellently together and hit home another outstanding issue with these niche characters and Batman.

Grade: B