Justice League Annual #1 // Review — You Don't Read Comics
Justice League Annual #1 // Review

Justice League Annual #1 // Review

Ramifications from Dark Knights Metal and No Justice having been felt across the DCU, finally come to a close in this epic conclusion. Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV, alongside artist Daniel Sampere, bring this chapter to a close as they move into their second year plans for the title. Week after week, month after month, this series proves to be DC’s flagship title and the premiere superhero team currently on store shelves.

Starman leads the team to the edge of the universe headed for the Source Wall in order to fix the damage caused by recent events. Accompanied by a few fan favorites, the League and Lantern Corps find a way to utilize the Omega Titans in order to benefit the DC multiverse as a whole. Simultaneously, Hawkgirl discovers her larger role in the grand scheme of the DC Universe, gaining a greater importance within the battle for survival. While the ramifications of their actions are felt across the DCU, clearly setting the stage for what’s yet to come, this chapter leaves off with an ominous final page cliffhanger.

Making his debut onto the title, Daniel Sampere delivers this cosmic odyssey from the script and onto the page in spectacular fashion. The grand scale is not lost on Sampere, as his artistic sensibilities take center stage as he lines each page with incredible detail and truly breathes life into each character. Continuing with the cinematic feeling set by previous artists, Sampere brings the epic scale of the series to a head with this mini event and delivering a memorable ending to this saga. Accompanied by Adriano Lucas on colors, the lush vibrancy of space is thrusted upon the page, leaving it drowning in beautiful hues of magnificent colorwork.

With call backs to Kirby and Morrison alike, Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV work together to deliver the best Justice League book DC has published in decades. The duo work as one plotting the story but Tynion IV takes on dialogue alone this time around. Having worked on multiple successful team books previously, this issue is old hat for Tynion IV as he brings fans a beautiful conclusion to the first year of Justice League. Leaving room for mysteries yet to be solved, this series continues to prove its weight in gold with every new issue.


Looking back at the first year of this modern classic comes its close, the grandiose epic nature was never once lost. From No Justice, into The Totality, through Drowned Earth, the Legion of Doom issues, and back again to The Source Wall with Starman, this series has been on an amazing roll as it continues forward into new unseen corners of the DCU. As Snyder and Tynion IV close out this chapter, leaving certain ties still unanswered and readers waiting with heavy anticipation into the next era of the series.

Grade: A+

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