Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37 Zod’s Will Part 1

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #37 Zod’s Will Part 1


After reappearing in the pages of Action Comics and Suicide Squad, it’s time for the Green Lantern Corps to kneel before Zod! Robert Venditti and Rafael Sandoval send Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner on a mission to investigate a planet seemingly being robbed of its resources, only to find Zod and his ilk claiming the planet as home. Hal Jordan, rash as ever, wastes no time attempting to detain the rogue Kryptonian, igniting a war, and proving to be no match for Zod or his family.


Meanwhile back on Mogo, the Templar Guardians and Ganthet have recently taken up the former role of the deceased Guardians of the Universe. John Stewart is there with trepidations to remind the Guardians of past mistakes and what they face if they step even one foot out of line. Venditti continues to develop John Stewart into a more important role to the Corps with every arc developing John further while staying true to his previously established character.


Whether a long time Green Lantern fan or new to the title, Venditti pays attention to both crowds, calling back to classic stories but making sure to not be exclusionary. Past Green Lantern titles have arguably been “impenetrable” for a long period of time but with each new arc in this run, no reader is left in the dark. From New Gods, the return of The Controllers, to now a battle with evil Kryptonians Venditti continues to raise the stakes for the Corps.


Rafa Sandoval is quickly becoming another memorable Green Lantern artist in a long line of masters. The pages of Zod and his kin absolutely laying waste to Hal and Kyle are beautiful and horrible all at once. It would almost be difficult to watch this massacre taking place if it wasn't so gorgeous to look at. The Green Lanterns are no match for these Kryptonians and Rafa Sandoval spares no expense on a unforgettable double page spread displaying the sheer ferocity of a Kryptonian beat down. Tomeu Morey is the unsung hero of the issue, bringing Rafa’s pencils to life with a cascade of diverse colors in a double page spread for the ages.

This arc looks to be another great story as well as a jumping on point for anyone wanting to read the title. Whether LCS or digital, this title is not to be missed as the Emerald Warriors find the willpower to overcome Zod’s might!


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