HEROES IN CRISIS #1 Kills [These Guys], With Two Heroes on the Run as Suspects! // SPOILERS
Dozens of DC characters are dead, including the original Wally West/Flash and Roy Harper/Arsenal, as Heroes in Crisis #1 kicked off its murder mystery plot with a mass murder at DC’s mental health facility Sanctuary.
And although Booster Gold and Harley Quinn escaped, each one of them is convinced that the other one committed the crime.
Credit: Clay Mann/Tomeu Morey/Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)
Did the perpetrator get inside their heads and make them each see the other? Or is one of them telling the truth, and one of them really is the killer?
That story will unfold over the coming months, as the nine-issue Heroes in Crisis limited series will feature an investigation into the mass shooting while characters mourn for the victims and struggle to process the tragedy.
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Crime Scene
This week’s debut issue, by series writer Tom King and artist Clay Mann, begins with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman rushing toward Sanctuary, the mental health treatment center where heroes and villains in the DCU can go to heal from traumatic experiences.
Superman arrives first and finds the scene of a mass murder, the bodies of victims scattered outside the facility. He first confirms the death of Hot Spot, then inside the building, he confirms that Wally West/Flash and Arsenal are both dead.
Credit: Clay Mann/Tomeu Morey/Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)
As Wonder Woman and Batman arrive at the murder scene, the three discover the first clue: Someone has written on the wall, “The puddlers are all dead.”
“It is a term for those who work in iron, who make weapons and swords,” Wonder Woman says. “Puddlers skim the molten metal, remove the impurities so the iron can be strong.”
Batman, also known as the world’s greatest detective, presumes that the crime was committed by “someone being treated here by Sanctuary.”
He announces the theme of the series by stating, “Our hope for redemption is now just another hunt for vengeance.”
Credit: Clay Mann/Tomeu Morey/Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)
Credit: Clay Mann/Tomeu Morey/Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)
Throughout the issue, readers are shown “confessions” by various DC characters who were patients at Sanctuary, including Blue Jay, Arsenal, Harley Quinn, and Booster Gold.
As King has revealed in interviews, these “confessions” happen at the end of the Sanctuary treatment, when patients remove their masks and go through a confession process that’s meant to help them use their pain as a strength.
While Arsenal was confirmed dead and Harley Quinn and Booster Gold were confirmed as having escaped the scene unscathed, there’s no indication of the whereabouts of Blue Jay.
But his confession is possibly just one of many that will appear in Heroes in Crisis and other DC titles, as the publisher is including one-page confessions from well-known heroes in other DC books to tie into the event during the next few months.
Quinn and Gold
Juxtaposed with the confessions and Clark Kent’s discoveries at Sanctuary is a scene with Booster Gold and Harley Quinn. The two have escaped from Sanctuary and the mass killing, and somehow, Booster ends up at a nearby diner drinking coffee. Harley follows him there.
Harley attempts to kill Booster, while Booster says he’s going to take her to the Hall of Justice.
Credit: Clay Mann/Tomeu Morey/Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)
Eventually, Booster has a sort of breakdown, saying “I saw you Harley … I saw you … hurting us, killing us … I stupidly ran from you. Like a coward.”
Nah, Goldie,” she replies. “I didn’t save ‘em, but I didn’t kill ‘em. You did.”
The story continues in Heroes in Crisis #2, due out October 24.