Brian Michael Bendis to write Superman and Action Comics
Yes, you read that right, Bendis has officially confirmed, via Forbes, that he is taking over writing both monthly books Superman and Action Comics. But before that he will write some of Action comics #1000, work on his own creator owned imprint, revive Jinxworld, and do a six part Superman mini-series titled Man of Steel, set to shake up the Superman’s Mythos. Man of Steel hits stores May 30 and will take a look back at the last days of Krypton’s existence and reveal a previously unseen villain who’s hiding a “terrifying secret” about the planet’s destruction. Below is the cover art for the first four issues to Man of Steel. Bendis has also thrown hints that he has future plans for Batman as well.
Man of Steel issues 1 and 2
Man of Steel issues 3 and 4