Justice League Odyssey #11 // Review

Justice League Odyssey #11 // Review

Will Conrad makes his spectacular return to pencil the title once again, in what is easily the most important issue to date. Dan Abnett continues to make this series exciting and worthwhile as he weaves this slow-burning space opera. While the Year of the Villain approaches, the series finally begins to connect to the rest of the DC Universe as a whole and grow even larger in the process.


Opening this chapter, apex predator Lex Luthor and Brainiac discuss the Lord of Apokolips as they make their plans on proposing him an offer. With Darkseid’s own plan coming into fruition, the group of niche characters must consider when to double cross him before it is too late. Jessica Cruz continues to watch her teammates closely in the chance they have fallen under Darkseid’s will. With all eyes on Cyborg, the sentient Mother Box must come face to face against the New God.  


Will Conrad returns with his meticulous and polished pencils to the series for a much-welcomed change of pace. The highlight of the issue by far stands as the long-awaited interactions between the team, namely Cyborg, and Darkseid himself. Conrad’s sense for action while managing to keep the pages exciting during the more quiet moments are more hallmarks to his craft. With glorious color work from both Ivan Plascencia and Pete Panazis, each scene is layered in beautiful hues from the far reaches of space to the desolate planet in which Sepulkore will take place


Dan Abnett continues to prove why Darkseid is the most feared in all the galaxy, even by the smartest man on earth. No matter the character or company Abnett’s sense of storytelling and character development continue to shine through with each new work he puts out. This ragtag group of niche characters continues to grow together as they face one common enemy together, slowly coming together as a true team. A large component of why modern Guardians of the Galaxy are popular, Abnett brings that grand scale to this title and elevated the material in the process.

This cosmic odyssey continues to grow in excitement and depth following the jaw-dropping conclusion to this chapter. Dan Abnett and Will Conrad deliver absolute magic to the pages together once again. Fans new and old can find affinity with any of these characters as they come into their own and grow together as a team. 

Grade: A

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