Kick Ass (2018) #1 review

Kick Ass (2018) #1 review

10 years after the release of the original Kick Ass, Mark Millar and John Romita JR bring us back to the world of Kick Ass. This time focusing on someone new behind the mask in a new city with new motives.


This Kick Ass is pretty much the opposite in every way that Dave was. This is the story of a single mother doing what she can to provide for her children and help out her community. She’s a former military ,so can already kick ass, that ends comes down on her luck and decides becoming a Vigilante is what’s best for her, her family, and her community. 

The core idea and concept behind the character and story are great, but when it comes down to the finished product it seems lacking. There are times when certain situations and characters become very stereotypical and some of the dialogue itself is cringe worthy. The books pace works well sometimes and not at others. During the action heavy scenes the speed works well and we get a couple really  good fight scenes, but it fails when character development gets glossed over. The impacts of certain things aren’t felt the way that they should have been.

As with the original Kick Ass we have John Romita JR back on art duties, and when you see his name and you pretty much know what’s you’re going to get. His art seems lacking and slightly more rushed that usual. facial expressions seem off at times, but he does decent enough during the fight scenes. His art is complimented by colorist/inker Peter Steigerwal who does a really good job contrasting the different scenes, and giving completely different feels between some of the action scenes and the more family based scenes.


Overall this was a decent first issue but not as strong as some of Millars other work. This book does feel and look more cinematic than the original Kick Ass, but doesn’t seem to have as strong of a start as a comic book itself. Hopefully the next few issues the book will slow down a little bit and be allowed more room to breathe.


Kick Ass #1 is gonna get a C+ from me.

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