Youngblood #1 Review
Young blood solicitations have been all over. Image has some of the best ongoing series in comics, I trust them when i see the little "i" on the page. It was my understanding that this was a classic Image title. People recommended, and likened it to team stories like "Thunderbolts", "The Runaways", or "Xforce." Sounded good, and the cover art was BADASS, I figured issue one would be a good jump point. I was wrong...
Who the Hell is this? and why should i care?
THIS IS NOT A REBOOT, and that's fine, but YoundBlood#1 isn't new reader friendly at ALL. The story opens up with a young superhero gone missing, and Girl named Petra who shoots stuff and doesn't like to be called "Gunner" on the trail. A cool thing on some of the panels is YELP like reviews of her superhero-ing. Is shooting even a superpower? Do these guys even have superpowers? Idk.
Oooh look at the suspense... These could be Huge SPOILERS, but i wouldn't know..
Gunner continues her search and runs into superhero problems. President scarface sees it and unleashes "Suicide Squad" from prison, Ginger Beard and Rock Guy. Rock Guy has got some issues, but i won't spoil it. Apparently these guys have gone to jail because they've done bad things under the guise of superheroes. I have no idea what that is and the writer does a poor job of making me care.
There's some more action, "good guys" get their butts kicked, and another person who I'm supposed to care about shows up and saves the day. Except idk who the fuck he is, nor do i care at this point. It's like...
Except I REALLY DON'T CARE, and they obviously don't care about newer or even younger readers. I'm not sure if any old school YoungBlood Fan would enjoy this, but it was clearly made with them, and ONLY them in mind.
- Art: B+ The art was actually pretty solid
- Story: D- I don't even know wtf is going on bro
- Dialogue: C Clearly written by an old man who hates Milennials... wait i hate them too so, C+
- Significance: C Someone cares about this book, but it's not me
- Extra Credit: +5 points for the yelp hero reviews
Final Grade: C This book isn't gonna make any new fans
No one gives a F#@%