Mixtape Massacre at Awesome Con 2018
You Don’t Read Comics chatted with Freddie, MJ, and Matt, the minds behind new independent board game Mixtape Massacre, at Awesome Con 2018. During the interview, they discussed the games’ mechanics, inspirations, and availability.
YDRC: Tell our audience about what Mixtape Massacre is.
Freddie with Mixtape Massacre: So basically it is an homage to 1980s horror, you play as the horror archetypes from that era and you are making your way around town, and you are trying to rack up a certain amount of kills to win the game or take out the other people playing the game as other villains.
YDRC: The board kind of looks like a mix of Clue or Monopoly, would you say it has a similar play feel to those games?
FMM: It's got an old Milton Bradley feel to it, but it plays more like modern games. We just wanted to have that look of old school gaming. But it does take advantage of modern game mechanics.
YDRC: What are some of the unique play factors in Mixtape Massacre that you won't see in other board games?
Image via Mixtape Massacre.
FMM: So, one of the cool things about the game is we actually have these knife player stations that are shaped like knives. Those are used to keep track of your health. You have brawling that takes place during the game, where people can take each other out of the game and fight each other. You have different cards in the deck called "the killer scenes deck" which presents players with the chance to either kill people in the game or defend themselves from would-be heroes.
YDRC: Something a lot of table-fans look for in modern board games is replayability. To have games that can last a few sessions so that they really get their money's worth.
FMM: And this is the game of all game's with replayability. The cool thing about it is it isn't like most RPG's where you are building upon and go in one direction. You can get a fresh new group of friends every game to play from the start. Usually 30 minutes to an hour and a half per play. And the even better part is the game itself is ever growing. We have a new expansion coming out that adds more to the game, and we are even working on other stuff to add to the game. The best part is that once the game is over you can restart a new game and start from scratch.
MJ with Mixtape Massacre: We also have multiple modes of play players can choose from.
FMM: We have 3 re-mix modes, so, if you ever get tired of playing the standard mode, you can play other versions of the game.
Matt with Mixtape Massacre: One of the reasons we made the game and designed it the way we did is, we wanted it to be really easy to learn, so the barrier for picking up the game and learning the rules is really simple. We didn't want to make a game that takes an hour to figure it out. You can teach your friends how to play quickly so that you can get the game going.
YDRC: So this game doesn't require a lot of set up time?
FMM: Four-page rulebook and you are off to the races. Those four pages can be read in fifteen minutes tops.
YDRC: You mentioned expansion packs, how many are released or impending release?
Image via Mixtape Massacre.
FMM: We have one expansion pack that has already been created.
MMM: Kickstarted it last year.
FMM: We Kickstarted it last year, it'll be coming out next month, and it's called "The Black Masque." It adds new enemies, cards, characters to play as, and gameplay mechanics. And we have something else that we can't reveal coming out next year that is going to be pretty big.
YDRC: This next question might be a spoiler or a question you might not be able to answer, but in a future expansion would Mixtape Massacre ever venture out of the slasher movie sub-genre into other types of horror (I.E. sci-fi/fantasy)?
FMM: Possibly.
Mixtape Massacre has limited availability in select brick and mortar retailers and is available online exclusively through Mixtapemassacre.com.