DC icons: Wonder Woman - The Amazo Virus review
The DC icons line has quickly become, one loved and hated by collectors. We often get beautiful sculpts, and a bevy of accessories that replicate classic stories. The downside is the horrible scale they chose to put these figures at. QC issues all around, poor paint applications on a lot of them. They claim 6 inch but its really 5.5, I'm sure a few women have heard similar lies before, but anywayyy lets get to it.
The Packaging is nice in clean with a sticker celebrating Diana's 75th anniversary. You can also see all of her accessories. She comes with two extra hands, one closed and one open lasso, and her shield and sword.
Other images of the packaging.
Right out the box i noticed something, the head advertised in promos and on the box art itself, is not the one we got. It's still a decent sculpt but not as beautiful IMO. Another problem with the head is, it doesn't stay on. It falls off very easily, and the hair and long neck give her very limited articulation. Fresh out the box and I'm already pissed, but wait there's more... *Billy Mays Voice*
The Shield has a really cool feature. There are two straps that she carries on her arm and back. The male end of the strap plugs into the female end of the shield. I haven't seen this method on a figure before. It'd totally be awesome if it FUCKING WORKED AT ALL. I spent about 15 minutes trying to get the shield to fit on the strap. Chipped a bit of the paint off the shield on my way there. The best you can do is balance the shield on the arm piece. Forget the back pack part, her head (that's not the one advertised) gets in the way. I'll probably wind up gluing the shield to the arm strap. Strike two, but wait... THERE'S MORE....
Her sword is pretty long (that's what she said), but it's pretty thin. The strap that stores it away, also felt very fragile. If you're not careful, I'm sure everything is gonna pop or break. The hilt of the sword isn't thick enough to firmly fit in her hands, so it wobbles. I was able to get her to hold it at certain angles, and a little two handed action.
The closed lasso sits on a hook on her hip. It just sits there it's not stable at all. While none of her actual combat accessories are good, look at her nice manicured nails. Though the feet have a peg hold for stand, unlike the Grail figure, her wedge heels make it almost impossible for her to stand. Fashion first, a common problem with a lot of female figures, but this figure doesn't need any more problems.
The Open lasso, didn't look good to me at first, but it works.
PROS: There are some bright spots to the fig, articulation is on point (even if she cant stand), the gloss on the breast plate, the leather skirt, and just having the accessories. She looks great next to her new 52 counterparts as well.
CONS: They switched the head sculpt on us, she cant stand, accessories are fragile, and don't work for the most part. The head they gave us doesn't even stay on. I really wanted to love this figure, I love new 52 Wonder Woman, but this is Basura. PASS PASS PASS! If you just want an icons Wondy, I'd wait for that new JL rebirth 7 pack coming out. If you really want a new 52 at least wait until the price on this one drops, it will. It's already dropped $4 on amazon since i got it. I'm sure it'll keep dropping.
If you liked my review please like and share, and I'll keep buying crap, and telling you its crap, when its crap.